Find Net Solutions

Dave Cane - Find Net Solutions

Dave Cane

Online Business Consultant, Website Guru, Google Academy trained

Experience:   22+ years

Key Advisory Services 

  • Online Business Consulting
  • Website Development
  • Aussie DIY Websites
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • Google AdWords
  • Digital Marketing Training Library

About Dave Cane

Consulting with Find Net Solutions is your 1st Smart Step to a Profitable Business.

Find Net Solutions was founded in 2000 to offer Online Business Consulting to SMEs. As Online Business Consultants our aim is to Make it Easier for YOU starting, scaling up or pivoting your business. 

We are with you from Concept to Completion with ongoing Marketing and Support.

Since 2000 Find Net Solutions has provided effective web solutions. Helping new and established businesses profit through engaging with their customers with an appealing message and solution.

We help you identify a marketing strategy using the most effective, affordable and easiest to use online platforms and systems. Giving you the best ROI, Flexibility, Leverage and Control.

Dave is Google Academy trained and members of our team have also completed their Google Certification. Dave has also written and published several books, the best 2 (by reviews) ‘Search Engine Optimisation 101’ and the other ‘How to be on Google’s 1st Page’.

Want a FREE Holiday and Help the Homeless

Refer someone or become a new client and we will give you a FREE Holiday as an incentive for new business. Destinations include Bali, Vanuatu, Thailand, Fiji, New Zealand and all across Australia.

We financially support the Homelessness Projects in Australia, run by Global Glamping Charities Inc. These include Homelessness from Domestic Violence, Economic Hardship and Natural Disasters.
Global Glamping Charities has an arrangement with an International Holiday Broker to get access to vacancies at thousands of Hotels across the globe. They get a donation from every booking as well as our regular donations.
Learn more about getting a FREE Holiday and Helping the Homeless –

Download our newest eBook for FREE – ‘7 Costly Mistakes Business Owners Make Online’ 

Mentoring for Growth Program logo

Dave’s Company Karanda Holdings Pty Ltd mission statement is ‘Improving Lifestyles and Cash Flows’

Dave, daughter Nicky and his team have strived to do this by being active in the Community and the Business Community.

  • In 2002, Dave was Awarded ‘Honorary Life Membership to the Bosch Automotive Service Dealer Network.
  • Awarded Senior Active Apexian in 2000
  • Lions Medical Research Foundation Fellows Award in 2019 for outstanding service and commitment to Lions Service Clubs.
  • Mentor for the Department of Small Business Mentoring for Growth Program. Dave donates time to in allow Business to get free Mentoring Session with experienced key business advisors.
  • 2020 Australian Finalist in the Business Excellence Awards
  • 2021 Australian Finalist in the Business Excellence Awards
  • 2022 Australian Small Business Champion Awards Finalist.
  • Founding Member of Your Key Business Advisors Network

Karanda Holdings Pty Ltd t/as Find Net Solutions regularly donates to Homelessness Projects in Australia, run by Global Glamping Charities Inc. These include Homelessness from Domestic Violence, Economic Hardship and Natural Disasters.

Global Glamping Charities has an arrangement with an International Holiday Broker to get access to vacancies at  thousands of Hotels across the globe.

Karanda Holdings gives away a FREE Holiday as an incentive for new business. Holidays are 3, 4 or 7 nights, destinations are across Australia, New Zealand, Bali and Fiji and other locations. Every Holiday that is given away the charity also gets a donation from the Booking fee.

The Holidays use the vacant rooms in Hotels and Resorts. It is a Win for the Homeless across Australia, a Win for new clients getting a Free Holiday and a Win for the Holiday Resorts as they are making money they would not normally make.

Lean more –

Australian Small Business Champion Awards 2022
Find Net Solutions 2020 Business Excellence Finalist

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