5 Things to do after the Sale Your Key Advisors Quickie Tip

5 Things to do after the Sale

This short video sales tip will help you become a better Salesperson.

Ian Parker from Ian Parker International, The Auto Academy and IPMG is Your Key Business Advisor with this Key Advisors Quickie Video Tip.

5 Things to do after the Sale

Number 1, Say thank you for their business and congratulate them on a great choice.

Number 2, Follow your customers up and do this within 48 hours of the delivery of your product to ask if they have any questions.

So many salespeople don’t do this, as they scared that could be a problem. You know what if there is a deal with it?

Number 3, Keep your promise.
Whatever you promised through the whole sales process, deliver every bit of that promise, and if possible, deliver a little more.

Number 4, Ask for referrals. If you do number two and three, great asking for referrals will be easy, and the best way to get a referral is to ask.

Number 5, Ask for feedback what better feedback could you get them a video testimonial of the customer praising you for the awesome experience they had dealing with you and your company? As with number four, and a saying I live by is if you don’t ask you don’t get.

Ian Parker is from Ian Parker International, The Auto Academy and IPMG Ian Parker Management Group. His profile and contact details can be seen at Your Key Business Advisor

Need a hand with Sales Training contact Your Key Business Advisors – https://yourkeyadvisors.com.au.

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