Know your Audience Sales and Marketing Quickie Tip

Know Your Audience Your Key Advisors Quickie Tip

Knowing and understanding your audience is critical in Sales and marketing

Know Your Audience is a Key Advisors Marketing and Sales Quickie Tip by Janeen Vosper from Speech Perfect.

Know your Audience

A common mistake people make when they’re putting their presentation together. Is they forget to figure out how they’re going to deliver their message to their audience.

Whether you are going to persuade somebody to do something, inspire them, entertain or inform them.

You really need to know your audience so that you can give them the right message for them.

What information do they require? So they can take the actions that you want them to take. You need to understand what will motivate them, what will inspire them, what will persuade them?

I see presentations put together where there’s so much focus on the persuasion or getting people to buy something and they miss the adding the right content in.

But I also see presentations where there’s way too much content and the people don’t get the opportunity to invest in product or service.

Getting that balance right is so important. But you do need to know the audience.

My name is Janeen Vosper from Speech Perfect. I work with high performing speakers who really want to nail their presentation. And be able to do it in a way that audience are going to be able to take action from whatever their presentation is about.

Contact Janeen Vosper from Speech Perfect –

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