Public Speaking Tip – How to Move Around the Stage

How to Move Around the Stage Your Key Advisors Quickie Tip

Public Speaking tip by Janeen Vosper from Speech Perfect is Your Key Business Advisor with this video Quickie Tip.

How to Move Around the Stage

I get asked all the time when I’m running training courses should I move and how do I move around the stage?

One of the tips that I’d like to give the answer is definitely yes. Depending on the size of the stages, depending on how much you move, obviously, in this video I’ve only got a very small area to move in, that if I want to tell a story to my audience. When I move closer, It builds up that connection. It builds up that view they can see your face better. It means that you become part of your audience. And if you’re telling a story, it needs to be you know, like sitting around the campfire type of thing and to do that you need to get close to people.

So have certain spaces where you go to say certain things. I move closer when I tell a story. That is probably one of the best tips I can have. And it’s actually a really top-level professional speaking tip. It may not seem much but it’s such an important thing to do.

I am Janeen Vosper, my business is Speech Perfect. I’ve worked with up and coming speakers and I also work with professional speakers who don’t often get feedback on how they’re going, and they just want to progress to that next level.

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