Using the Camera Your Key Advisors Quickie Tip

Using the Camera when Presenting

Tips to help you engage your audience your next Zoom Meeting

Janeen Vosper from Speech Perfect is Your Key Business Advisor with this video Quickie Tip.

Using the Camera

I’ve been doing zoom meetings for quite a while now. And I’ve you’ve seen people that you are just getting the top of their head, or they’re coming into close into the camera and you want to move back.

Or we’ve seen people using too many hand gestures and as soon as they get close, then their hands look like they belong to monsters.

Knowing how to use the right gestures when you’re on camera is incredibly important because you want to be able to engage your audience well. And it’s much harder when you’re not in the same room.

Being able to engage them through your voice and the gestures that you can use is very, very important. You can see I’m using gestures with my shoulders going up and down below the screen level. But sometimes you just might want to add one little gesture with your hands that people can see so that they know that you’re trying to make a particular point.

Keep in mind, your face is your way to engage with your audience when you are on camera and being able to set everything up so it’s the right distance, and people aren’t going to be overwhelmed by you coming in so close that you feel like you’re threatening them.

I’m Janeen Vosper from Speech Perfect, I work with people to be able to speak well and know how to deliver their message really effectively and the best web method to do that. If you are finding that you are doing a lot of online meetings and presentations, but you’re not building up those connection with your audience, then let me know.

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