6 Phone Answering Tips

This short video tip will help you improve your customer service and become better at sales over the phone

Double Your Sales and Help the Homeless with FREE Vacations

Get FREE Holidays to Give Away by making a Donation to Global Glamping Charities for Homelessness Projects in Australia

Using the Camera when Presenting Quickie Tip

Advisors Quickie video tip will help you improve how you engage your audience on your next Zoom Meeting

Know your Audience Your Key Advisors Quickie Tip

Knowing and understanding your audience is critical in Sales and marketing

Know Your Outcome Marketing and Sales Quickie Tip

The most important factor of a presentation is to Know Your Outcome this is a Marketing and Sales Advisors Quickie Tip

Must Watch Marketing Key Quickie Tips

10 Minutes on Sales and Marketing, before you do any marketing watch this video. Learn Marketing Strategies, how to Attract, Convert and Retain Clients.

How to Pitch for Profit in 5 Simple Steps

How to construct and deliver a really effective business pitch that will have people paying attention and taking action.

Don’t Read It a Key Quickie Tip for Presenting

In this video Janeen explains the art of doing a video or presenting to sound more authentic.